Triggertech Set to Release Ruger Precision Rifle Diamond Trigger
This is a non paid review based on the opinions of Rangetech.us staff who have a combined experience of over one hundred years in law enforcement, special forces, from three countries.
(Rough Edit)
Not too long ago the race to precision was stymied by the limited trigger offerings on the market but not these days. Whether you are a bow hunter, hunt with an AR, or an ultra long range shooter there is a trigger for you: TriggerTech. If you don't know why you want one of the Triggertech triggers stay with me as I do my best to lay it all out.
There are replacement barrels, scope rails, and fore-grips but for Ruger Precision Rifle fans you have probably been frustrated that this popular rifle did not have a TriggerTech option but we wait no more. IT IS HERE>Triggertech is going all in with a Diamond Trigger for the popular RPR.
I have had opportunity to test and evaluate one of these very triggers and it is nice, real nice! I installed it in my 338 Lapua RPR rifle in just a few minutes, dialed it up to my preferred resistance setting and I went and blew through a bunch of 338 Lapua ammo because Triggertech. I would have shot even more ammo IF I had more. The Trigger delivered and my 338 Lapua RPR was finally complete.
The Trigger arrived with half a pound pull weight set. --very light and very repeatable, even with this loooooooow trigger weight.
For those paying attention, this is not actually the first Triggertech trigger that I have used in an RPR rifle but it is the first diamond. See the 6mm Creedmoor custom shop review here.
Putting it in perspective:
Going back a moment in time many professional and hobby shooters were left with little option beyond adjusting the lawsuit ridden triggers that hung from Remington precision rifles. It was a dangerous and frustrating endeavor to adjust these triggers with their tricky multi-step adjustment techniques but this is what was available. This often ended in a trigger that was even more dangerous than it started out. On top of this issue were the limited aftermarket rifle stocks, limited adjustability/ergonomics, and lack of key features such as rail systems. Remington and Savage made attempts at budget precision rifles but each lacked significantly.
Along came Ruger with the Precision Rifle which lit the long range shooting community on fire.
The ergo AR styled platform fit well; the full handguard assembly complete with or without rail allowed for night vision; and, all for way under what it cost to build out a custom rifle. Pretty soon aftermarket barrels appeared, scope rails with more slant showed up...but no aftermarket triggers. The trigger was good after all, and the RPR rifle was new. No one ever knew how significantly Ruger would disrupt the precision rifle market...so it took some time for the gun community to accept the fact that Remington patterned rifles no longer held the market by the gonads.
Many held out that the RPR couldn't seriously compete with much more expensive rifles.--many would be wrong.
It was perhaps with some reticence that aftermarket trigger manufacturers came to consider producing a replacement RPR trigger; and, when they did present one to market it was no better than the original, save for being a true two stage. This was not Triggertech in case you're wondering.
I determined I would wait and hope and pester Triggertech; and, wait and hope and pester Triggertech more. I mean I can be really persistent and maybe even irritating. I guess someone took notice because now we have a Diamond trigger for the RPR family and a Diamond on Ruger's Custom Shop 6mm Creedmoor RPR. AND BOY OH BOY ARE THEY SWEET!
Before I get into the trigger too much though let me say I have never really liked the RPR factory trigger adjustment finding it sloppy.
Alas no more, Triggertech's RPR trigger is developed with a simple one tool adjustment system but we're jumping too far ahead.
When Triggertech came to the table it was a game changer and I would argue that they still are.
--Triggertech destroyed the old trigger designs (all of them) by adding a roller bearing to their trigger designs. This bearing meant no more was the trigger dependent on the ability to slide the various trigger parts against each other.
What this has meant to the end user is simple; higher or lower pull weight with perfect repeatable results every single trigger pull.
I have seen how this predictability grows a shooter's confidence over and over again. It is like flipping a switch. The average shooter becomes above average instantly.
However, it might be argued that the specific Triggertech Diamond model for shooters mid level to advanced with limited applicability for some entry level shooters or hunters. I'll qualify this statement by saying that the Diamond's low pull weight setting is most likely inadvisable for the inexperienced. I don't say this to be demeaning but rather with the intention of NOT setting anyone up for failure or accident. Further, the sub 2-3/4LB pull weight negates use in low temperatures or on most hunting rifles, but it does have its place on precision hunting rifles of the tuned in hunter. I do not suggest low trigger weights in general because one can get the performance at a higher pull weight with a Triggertech.
Qualifying statements aside, the Diamond lives up to its name. It performs magic. I own several these days and wouldn't give them up for anything else.
I'll also qualify this review by stating that these triggers get used in bitter cold snowy weather and dusty desert environments alike. Both environments are hard on gear but I have not so far had a Triggertech fail, nor do I expect to.
Adjusting the trigger happens here:
--If you are calm, cool, and collected while taking that prize buck or elk you will love the added confidence of the Triggertech Diamond.--You may like the other models more though.
The Triggertech Diamond does belong on my RPR though. It belongs on all my RPRs and I appreciate this trigger without hesitation. It was a joy to switch out the RPR factory trigger which albeit good, is more like eating a Denny's steak versus a homemade ribeye steak fresh off the grill.
This is no accident. Triggertech delivers precision every time. I say this from experience as I have used Triggertech across the board on everything from ARs to precision rifles for almost 8 years now. If I could put one in my pistols I would.
Sometimes, actions speak louder than words so here is a sampling of our experience at rangetech.us. (These are shared results across multiple people to avoid bias so much as we can.)
1 mile first, second, third, and fifth hits with 6.5CM LMT Defense rifle
2280 yard hits on IPSC size target from 6.5CM LMT Defense Rifle off tripod (2/10 hits)
Hitting a 1/4 inch plant stock at 900 meters across open desert with 6.5 Creedmoor custom rifle (1/3 rounds fired hit, the misses were by millimeters)
600 yard first round hit with LMT Defender 2000 with TriggerTech Adjustable AR trigger
1200 Meters 1st, 2nd, 3rd round hits by twelve year old son from tripod.
...those are just а few examples...all in real world conditions, not closed ranges.
I don't share these examples as a matter of bragging and in fact, these are not just my shots but those of several people. My point is to show that no matter who you put on the Triggertech you are going to see amazing results, with both ultra experienced and novice.--That's how it should be.
No Surprises Here:
Triggers should not be a surprise when they break, instead, they should be predictable and crisp. A good trigger leaves the shooter feeling in total control. I want anyone shooting long or short range to know when that break is happening. After all, most shots need some staging time whether it is waiting for conditions or waiting for an animal to come into view from behind a a tree. For the military or police sniper, it is waiting on, or maybe not taking the shot, in uncomfortable conditions and a broad range of temperatures. --They must have a trigger that allows for that repeatable feel.
One rangetech.us instructor had to lie in a snow bank for hours as a commercial aircraft hostage taking was handled.--this is the real world.
Triggertech enhances this feel by adding the two stage system to all their triggers. I personally, won't use anything else. I appreciate this design in all triggers, even the quasi two stage factory RPR triggers. My experience is that this provides a shorter learning curve for the beginner or the advanced shooter. A shooter should be able to feel the trigger before pressing and taking the shot. The first stage of the TriggerTech is around half a pound of pull weight.--just enough to give you that feel. There's no surprise but there is a chance to get ready before breaking the shot.
Sure, I have used other triggers as well. Quite a few in fact but many have their hiccups and none have this feel I talk about. There is one brand I really like which are my Tikka Triggers because there is not a Triggertech option...it's that simple. If they had a Tikka option I'd have a poorer wallet but an even better Tikka.
In case you're wondering, yes its easy to install.
Follow these visual instructions:
The new trigger slips into the tangs that the old one was removed from. Reuse the cap screw/hex bolt with a dab of blue Loctite.
Reverse the order you took it apart in with a dab of blue Loctite on fasteners and use a Fix-It-Sticks kit to get the correct torque value. --That's it.
Shooting is an adventure and a never ending learning cycle but your trigger should be the same every time. Your effort and concentration should be on the wind, the light, the sounds, the fundamentals, and the environment. This is why we succeed with Triggertech.
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Chuck Riedman
Do you have any more information on the release date of the Triggertech Diamond for an RPR?