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9mm trainer, ar-15, Ar-15 training idaho, dry fire training, Handgun training, Idaho Falls firearms training, Idaho Handgun training, John Wick Pistol training, Laser pistol trainer, learning the fundamentals of pistol training, Mantis training system, mantis x10, Mantis x3, Pistol dry fire practice, Pistol fundamentals, pistol training, pistol training at home, Pistol training east idaho -

The Mantis App was a really easy to use and understand program. With plenty of features and adjustments, my co-instructor and I kept finding more and more features and getting more and more excited about the possibilities it opened up for us and for students. It includes everything from shot analysis, to draw analysis, to shot-timer, and the Mantis University training program; which will take you step by step through making the improvements necessary to become a...

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